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Getting Ready Photos: What my clients' parents taught me

Like many young folks (or relatively young lol), I intially did not know the real value of getting ready photos. That is, until one day, many blue moons ago, I was photographing a bride getting ready for her wedding day. And while I was at work, the bride's auntie expressed how dissapointed she was that, on her daughter's wedding day, the photographer did not take any photos of herself and her daughter. And she was super adamant that she did not want her sister (the mother of the bride) to miss out on this opportunity.

This is what I have come to understand...

On your wedding day, your parents (or the chosen people who helped you become who you are) see all the versions of you on your wedding day. They remember the cute chubby face you had as a baby, your first day of kindergarten, the first time you got your heart broken, and that time you moved out and then moved back in because #adultingbehard. They see your history.

For many of us, getting ready on the morning of our wedding day is one of the last times the people who raised us will help us get ready for a rite of passage. Yeah…insert tears here.

Commemorating These Final Moments Are a Wedding Photo Idea Must!

For these reasons, capturing “getting-ready” photos is a pivotal part of the wedding day experience. When loved ones are involved, excitement grows, laughter flows, and frustration abounds in the moments leading up to the altar. Only people with deep connections can create such an amalgam of emotions. That is when the magic happens!

As someone raised within a large, inclusive family, I live for these moments. And as a photographer, it is my goal to capture them for your current and future you.

Ten years from now, I want you to be able to look back at these photos and see the beauty and personality of your relationships.

- Brandi, your favorite photographer


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